Wine shops are almost universally set up the same way: cheap wine at the bottom, middle priced wines in the middle, and spendy wine at the top - and that means you miss a lot by not looking down because sometimes the sweetest spot for the best wines can only be found way down at the bottom. Here are some of the reasons why the wine might find it’s way to the bottom shelf even though it’s quality is purely top shelf.

Another way it happens is when the winery is in a place that just off the beaten path. These folks (shannon ridge … cab) pump out wines that, if they were a county over, would easily by two or three times more expensive. Add to mix the fact that they own and farm all their vineyards (the owner also owns one of the largest viticulture services in Cali … their vineyard here is also all organically grown) and the end resultant is that they, easily, make some of the best and least expensive wine around.
Both of these wines are worth more than what we charge - they really are - but both of them are relegated to the bottom shelf because of their price. So, look down once in a while. You might just find a perfect bottle of wine hiding out down there.
PS - We’ve moved! Sunfish Cellars took ownership of Buon Giorno and I Nonni last week and we’ve moved into our new home with them. We’ll be on hand Friday and Sarturday to show you around (maybe even share a little vino … see, we’re getting the hang of this Italian thing!) from 4pm to 7pm. Come and see the new digs!