Sunfish — deal

Is It Possible to Find The $170k Honda of Wines?

$170k Honda deal Red Wine Wine

Is It Possible to Find The $170k Honda of Wines?

Ā  If it is true that there ainā€™t no 50 cent Ferrari but there is a really good Honda (see last weekā€™s blog on that topic) then does it also mean that there is a really good, yet expensive, Honda out there too? Or in wine terms: is there a producer of great inexpensive wine that also makes a great and expensive wine ā€¦ and is that wine really worth it?To take the analogy further ā€¦ Honda makes the NSX Supercar. Runs less than 200K and fairs pretty well against the entry level McLaren, Ferrari, or Lamborghini ā€˜supercarsā€™ but starts...

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